
Volunteers – Register Here

If you would like to help out for our events, please choose from the event list and fill out the online registration form. Make sure to let us know what role you would like to do and also if there is anything you would rather not do. We will be in touch closer to the event with all important details for the big day.

By registering online, you agree to the Outer Limits Waiver.

We appreciate our volunteers!

Outer Limits organises a number of events throughout the year and none of them would be what they are, without a great crew of volunteers.

We, as well as all event participants, greatly appreciate the time and effort volunteers give to these events. We simply could not run them without you!

Each of our events relies on a number of people to help us set up the Event HQ, sign in runners before the race, help runners navigate the course and ensure no one gets lost. Each event distance needs 1-2 sweep runners. They make sure no one gets left behind and keep the spirits high even when the going gets tough. There is always plenty to do at the Event HQ throughout the event. And of course everything needs to be packed up again once the last runner has returned. As you can see there are alot of moving parts to each event.


Volunteers’ Rewards

We try our best to look after our volunteers at the events and make sure you are having a great time as well.

At the trail run events, each volunteer gets a free drink from the coffee or food truck that is in attendance. And on top of that, you can also earn points towards trail run entries.

To find out more, contact us directly.

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